06 May What’s on the Horizon at UpstreamPgh?
The team at UpstreamPgh is excited to roll out its 2024-2028 strategic plan. This new plan advances our people-first approach to watershed restoration to uplift climate justice and connect people with the natural environment.
We feel the urgency of this moment: the increasing impacts of climate change are compounded by long-running racial and economic disparities. The complex water-related problems facing our region require complex solutions. We must think, act, and be “upstream,” addressing problems at the source, with intentionality and care for the downstream implications.
The priorities outlined in the strategic plan include innovative stewardship, environmental justice, systemic response, creative engagement, and capacity-building.
We are working at the intersection of people and place, connecting residents with the natural environment, co-developing solutions alongside communities, and advocating for systemic change.
Our Process
UpstreamPgh engaged consultant Melinda Steffy, founder and principal of Concentric Strategy, to guide our strategic planning process. Concentric Strategy’s approach to strategic planning draws on two sources: “The Nonprofit Strategy Revolution” by David La Piana, and “Emergent Strategy” by adrienne maree brown, both of which look at strategy through a lens of change. To keep up with a changing world, organizations must operate with a mindset that is inherently responsive and adaptable, while holding true to their core values. In meetings and workshops with dozens of stakeholders, board members and staff, we discussed the current landscape of UpstreamPgh and established a vision for the future.
Learn more by reading the Strategic Plan Executive Summary, and help us work towards this future by getting involved today!