Wilkinsburg Stormwater Resiliency Project
The Wilkinsburg Stormwater Resiliency Project (WSRP) is an effort to address stormwater in Wilkinsburg’s downtown business district with Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI).
In 2019 Upstream Pittsburgh identified two large publicly owned municipal parking lots in the Wilkinsburg Business district which contributed significant amounts of water to the storm sewer system and in large storms, neighboring streets.
With funding from the PADEP’s Growing Greener Grant Program, Upstream Pittsburgh has worked with Sci-Tek Consultants Inc. to develop plans to retrofit the parking lots with rain gardens and bioswales in place of concrete medians. The removal of impermeable pavement and the replacement with engineered soil, new trees, and native plants will help manage stormwater and reduce the overall volume entering the storm sewer system, improving water quality and reducing flooding.
This project was designed by UpstreamPgh and Sci-Tek Consultants Inc and construction of Phase 1 was completed in Summer of 2023.
The Borough of Wilkinsburg
Sci-Tek Consultants Inc.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection – Growing Greener