Nine Mile Run Environmental Equity Study

Nine Mile Run Environmental Equity Study map

Nine Mile Run Environmental Equity Study

Our small, seven-square-mile Nine Mile Run watershed is a microcosm of Pittsburgh and most urban areas across the country, showing stark differences in prosperity, opportunity, health and safety for residents only a few blocks from each other. This is a result of issues that continue to surface across economic, social and environmental systems.

One issue in particular, climate change, is rapidly increasing these disparities. As we developed our new strategic plan, we prioritized equity to address ongoing climate change and other environmental problems. As an organization, and a part of the larger environmental movement, we recognize that we have not done enough to center the concerns of Black people and communities, and to work in true partnership. We can and must do better.

Since 2001, UpstreamPgh has been a leader in regional advocacy for urban ecological restoration and green infrastructure, and in implementing sustainable solutions for stormwater management on both a residential and community level. These approaches are critical to improving the quality of life for all of our residents, and to adapting to climate change.

As we look to the future, we need to understand better how to allocate scarce resources to do the most good for the people and communities that are most in need. This was the genesis of the Nine Mile Run Environmental Equity Study.

View the results of the study




Richard King Mellon Foundation
The Heinz Endowments