Negley Run Environmental Equity Study

Negley Run Environmental Equity Study Map

Negley Run Environmental Equity Study

Expanding upon our efforts to map inequity within the Nine Mile Run Watershed, the Negley Run Environmental Equity Study was developed to aid in planning Green Stormwater Infrastructure projects in the Negley Run Watershed. Similar to our Watershed, the Negley Run Watershed is characterized by stark differences in prosperity, opportunity, health, and safety for residents only a few blocks from each other.

In addition to these socioeconomic factors, the urban landscape of the watershed poses challenges for stormwater mitigation. The Negley Run Watershed is 3,300 acres of dense, urban neighborhood development with only 10% of its land area covered by park or park-like forested conditions. Washington and Negley Run Boulevards are major traffic arteries that serve the surrounding neighborhoods. They are also primary drainage corridors within the watershed, and they capture the largest volume of stormwater of any city sewershed. ALCOSAN’s typical year analysis reveals 66 overflow activations of the A42 Outfall for a total of 1,085 hours of overflow discharge accounting for 777 million gallons of overflow.

Since 2001, UpstreamPgh has been a leader in regional advocacy for urban ecological restoration and green infrastructure, and in implementing sustainable solutions for stormwater management on both a residential and community level. These approaches are critical to improving the quality of life for all of our residents, and to adapting to climate change.

The Negley Run Watershed Task Force works to engage the community, creatives and professionals in urban ecosystem regeneration supporting innovative rainwater stewardship and conveyance strategies. Our organization has regularly participated and collaborated with the Task Force and will continue to work with members to improve upon and update this study.

View the results of the study


Negley Run Watershed Task Force


The Heinz Endowments