McDonough Rain Garden
Our client had serious stormwater issues. In order to address the high volume of runoff, we used a combination of surface and subsurface interventions, starting by hand-excavating a large two-tiered space and removing approximately five tons of soil.
The base layer of the design was a double layer of R-Tanks, which are cubes consisting of mostly (95%) void space designed to provide additional storage for stormwater runoff. In total, we placed 18 R-Tanks, wrapped in a layer of landscape fabric and surrounded by stone (to prevent the cubes from clogging), beneath the rain garden, increasing the total capture capacity. Above the tanks, we built a 150 square foot rain garden which captures water from one downspout on the garage and one on the house.
An avid gardener, the client helped us plant the system with a variety of native perennials. Two birdbaths provide additional sources of water for visiting birds. Planted in the spring of 2020, we’re excited to see how the garden blooms in years to come !
Jeff Jaeger of Octopus Organic Gardening LLC