Dauphin Rain Garden
To transform their rear yard into a space that would encourage environmentally responsible living, these Brighton Heights homeowners looked to introduce native plant species that encourage habitat creation for native pollinators and incorporate environmentally responsible residential landscape practices such as rainwater capture and reuse, composting and food gardening.
Our team planted a variety of flowering native species in a rain garden that hugs the perimeter of the patio seating area. The 90 square foot garden collects runoff from one roof downspout and captures 308 gallons of water per one inch rain event. In order to reach the seating area, you cross a handmade bridge spanning the planted area, which makes dining in the back yard a kind of transportive experience.
The desire to create habitat was carried to the front yard as well, where we planted a variety of native pollinators and installed a “hotel” to provide shelter for native bees and insects.