Crescent Early Childhood Center Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Crescent Stormwater Construction Pittsburgh PA
During construction
Crescent Stormwater Construction Pittsburgh PA
During construciton
Crescent Stormwater Garden Pittsburgh PA
After construction
Crescent Stormwater Garden Pittsburgh PA
After construction
Crescent Stormwater Garden Pittsburgh PA
After construction
Rosedale Runoff Reduction Project
After construction

Crescent Early Childhood Center Green Stormwater Infrastructure

The Crescent Early Childhood Center is a Pittsburgh Public School facility located at the bottom of a steep hill (Tokay Street). This 2016-17 project brings runoff from the street onto the expansive front campus of the school via a sidewalk trench drain, and the water then moves through a series of connected rain gardens with underground storage to capture large rain events. This site was part of the Rosedale Runoff Reduction Project.

The site is expected to capture more than 325,000 gallons annually of stormwater runoff. Results will be verified by post-construction monitoring, which is now underway.

As part of the project, we worked to secure a 20-year operations and maintenance plan with Pittsburgh Public Schools, which included plans to use the garden as a teaching tool for future generations about sustainable ways of using water.


Operation Better Block
East Hills Consensus Group
Pittsburgh Public Schools
City of Pittsburgh
Ethos Collaborative
JASE Construction Services
OBB Jr. Green Corps.


The $117,815 design and construction project was funded by
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Richard King Mellon Foundation
The Heinz Endowments

